Bathtub Reglazing, BathTub Reglazing, BathTub Resurfacing, BathTub Refinishing, Shower Stall, Toilet Sink Reglazing, Bathtub Reglazing in Bronx, BathTub Reglazing in Bronx, BathTub Resurfacing in Bronx, BathTub Refinishing in Bronx, Shower Stall in Bronx, Toilet Sink Reglazing,  Bathtub Reglazing in Brooklyn, BathTub Reglazing in Brooklyn, BathTub Resurfacing in Brooklyn, BathTub Refinishing in Brooklyn, Shower Stall in Brooklyn, Toilet Sink Reglazing in Brooklyn
  Bronx Location: (718) 749-9864
  Brooklyn Location: (347) 329-5778
  NYC Location: (212) 547-9048

Transform your Brooklyn or Bronx bathroom right before your eyes

  • Save $$$ Don't Replace, Reglaze !
  • 3 Year Residential Warranty
  • 1 Year Commercial Warranty
  • Same Day Service
  • Certified & Experiences Techs
  • Special Pricing Available for :
    • New Home Owners
    • Military & Vets
    • Senior Citizens
    • Property Managers
    • Commercial Accounts
    • Contractors
Bathtub Reglazing, BathTub Reglazing, BathTub Resurfacing, BathTub Refinishing, Shower Stall, Toilet Sink Reglazing, Bathtub Reglazing in Bronx, BathTub Reglazing in Bronx, BathTub Resurfacing in Bronx, BathTub Refinishing in Bronx, Shower Stall in Bronx, Toilet Sink Reglazing,  Bathtub Reglazing in Brooklyn, BathTub Reglazing in Brooklyn, BathTub Resurfacing in Brooklyn, BathTub Refinishing in Brooklyn, Shower Stall in Brooklyn, Toilet Sink Reglazing in Brooklyn

Don't Replace, Reglaze Your Bathtub Today in NY

BathTub Reglazing

At Bathtub Reglazing NY, we have many years of experience in the industry and can provide you with the bathtub resurfacing services you need in NY. Our team is experienced and each one of our technicians is certified to provide you with the services needed in your bathroom. We specialize in residential and commercial refinishing in NY and you will be impressed with the look of your tub when we are done.

Our services provide you with an affordable solution to bathroom and tub remodels. Our work comes guaranteed and we offer you a 5-year warranty on all of our services. Many homeowners tend to think that a bathroom refinishing in NY will cost them way too much money, but when you work with us, you will receive services that are spot on and affordable.

Our team is able to transform your Brooklyn or Bronx bathroom right before your eyes. Call our office today to discuss your bathtub glazing options in NY.

SAME Day Reglazing Services

BathTub Reglazing

When you think of a bathroom remodel or a bathtub resurfacing in NY, you may think that it can take weeks or months to complete. Some companies may take this long, but when you work with our team, you will receive SAME day services.

When you are ready to have your tub reglazed in NY, we will come out to your home the SAME day and provide you with the best services we can. Our process involves placing a smooth coating on your tub. Our coating bonds to your tub for a flawless and bright finish that pops.

Before we start the process, we will take the time to protect your bathroom. Our team is committed to excellence and you will be impressed at how quickly we work and how easy the process is.

Cheap Reglazing for Your Bath in Brooklyn and the Bronx

If you have always wanted to update your bathtub, but you have never thought that the cost would be worth it, now is the time to inquire with our team. Reglazing services in NY are affordable and you never have to worry about spending an arm and a leg to get a beautiful tub.

We have priced our services affordably to ensure that you never have to fear the bill at the end of the job. You can now get a beautifully resurfaced tub in NY for LESS.

Our team is diversified in the services we offer and some of our most requested options include:

  • Bathtub reglazing
  • Bathtub refinishing
  • Bathtub resurfacing
  • Toilets
  • Shower stalls
  • Sink polishing
Discount Coupons
10% off on all services for first time 15% off on all services for first time 10% off on all services for first time

Contact Us

Get in Touch with Our Team of Reglazing Specialists

The team at Bathtub Reglazing NY is here to provide you with the services you need. We offer special pricing for new home owners, senior citizens, military and veterans, contractors, property managers, and commercial accounts. Ask us about all of our specials today! Call now to receive your FREE Brooklyn or Bronx service quote.

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NYC Location
Address : 136 W 71st St, New York
NY 10023, United States
Phone : (212) 547-9048
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Copyright 2017 Bathtub Reglazing NY. All rights reserved.
Address : 2297 Coney Island Ave Suite 3, Brooklyn NY 11223